Gaspare Sganga

IT Manager, GIS Analyst & Lead Developer @setin.

Freelance Developer & Consultant.

Buy me a coffee?

That was the longest interval ever between two releases of this library, 2 years and a half!

Maybe someone thought I had abandoned it, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
Let’s just say it has been quite an intense period for me during the last couple of years, both personally and professionally.

Good news: this library is now as active as ever and a brand new v4 is already in the works.

In the meanwhile, v3 branch has come to an end, meaning no new features will be added to it, apart from eventual bug fixes and maybe trivial compatibility fixes for newest versions of PHP if possible.
This v3.4.1 release is exactly that: a tiny bug fix and some compatibility work for PHP 8. Legacy PHP users should not panic: v3 branch of this library is fully compatible with PHP 5.4 and should any bug be ever discovered, I will address it.

On the other hand, support for PHP 5.4 (and possibly PHP 7, still unsure about that) will be dropped for next major v4 release. PHP 8+ users should switch to v4 once it is released, but that’s another story…

What has been fixed in Version 3.4.1

  • Fixed a bug in ShapefileReader::rewind() pointer reset (thanks to Adrian Geissel for finding it).
  • A few compatibility fixes for PHP 8 affecting the Iterator interface. No warnings nor errors are raised right now up to PHP 8.2.9.

Download and documentation

Go to the Lab page: PHP Shapefile