Gaspare Sganga

IT Manager, GIS Analyst & Lead Developer @setin.

Freelance Developer & Consultant.

Buy me a coffee?

It’s time for MessageBox 3. There are some minor breaking changes, but it comes packed with new features and fixes. Hey, it’s already 3, it can walk by itself!

What’s new in version 3.0.0

  • New customOverlayClass option
  • New title option
  • New input type "checkbox"
  • New input type "caption"
  • New inputs customClass option
  • New inputs message option
  • Javascript sourcemaps
  • Minified default CSS file
  • Inputs default option renamed to defaultValue
  • Buttons class option renamed to customClass
  • Simplified default CSS which is more easily customizable
  • New folder structure
  • Content horizontal padding is preserved also in case of horizontal overflow
  • Minor CSS and code quirks

New customOverlayClass option

Now you can customize each MessageBox overlay if you like to. The official documentation page has some examples.

New title option

This was a request and it actually makes sense to have a title on top of the MessageBox sometimes.

New input type "checkbox"

Another request. I have always used a select with two options *(eg. yes and no) but a checkbox may come in handy to people who prefer it.

New input type "caption"

What if you wanted to write some spare text or place random HTML inbetween inputs? Here is the solution.

New inputs customClass option

Now you can customize single inputs the same way you could with buttons.

New inputs message option

This is used in conjunction with new input type "caption" to show the actual message.

Javascript sourcemaps

It was about time.

Minified default CSS file

See above.

Inputs default option renamed to defaultValue

I know, IE8 is far and gone, but still having a reserved word highlighted by some editors was bothering me. This new name is more self-explanatory too.

Buttons class option renamed to customClass

Same as previous point.

Simplified default CSS which is more easily customizable

This plugin comes with some clean and simple default CSS. Of course you are encouraged to customize it and a clearer default CSS file will help you doing that.

New folder structure

Source files are now under src/ and production files under dist/.

Content horizontal padding is preserved also in case of horizontal overflow

This was driving me crazy. With overflowing contents it seemed impossible to set some proper paddings without additional markup. Fixed!

Minor CSS and code quirks

A bunch of other things have been changed to make the plugin more robust and reliable.

Breaking changes amd important notes on upgrading from v2

Yeah, all of this does not sound like a huge departure from v2, but since a few breaking changes were included both in JS and CSS files, it is a good idea to increase the major release.
Renaming class and default options to customClass and defaultValue may break some existing code, as well as the new folder structure and in rare cases the new default CSS if you were customizing it in some specific way.
Adjusting your code should not be a big deal anyways, enjoy v3!

Download and documentation

Go to the Lab page: MessageBox