Gaspare Sganga

IT Manager, GIS Analyst & Lead Developer @setin.

Freelance Developer & Consultant.

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Yay, I'm a PopupWindow!

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npm install gasparesganga-jquery-popup-window


bower install gasparesganga-jquery-popup-window


  • All the capabilities (maximizing, minimizing, modal/non-modal, etc.) you would expect from a regular window and more (collapsing, keepInViewport, animations, etc.)
  • Exhaustive set of Actions to control it
  • Exhaustive set Events to interact with it
  • Fully CSS customizable
  • Low footprint and great performances


$(selector).PopupWindow([action] [,options])

This is the main method. It supports different actions and provides the interaction with the PopupWindow. See the Actions section for more details.


Changes the default options for all the PopupWindow initialized in the future.


Changes the position of the minimized area in the browser’s window where all the PopupWindows are minimized. The options object can contain one or both of the following properties (the default values are shown here):

    position    : "bottom left"   // String
    direction   : "horizontal"    // String

For the position value you can use a combination of top or bottom for vertical placement and left or right for horizzontal placement
For the direction value you can use either horizzontal or vertical.
Both of them are case insensitive. Words’ order doesn’t matter, as well as spaces. You can shorten the words if you prefer: top left is the same as tl and v is the same as vertical.


The $(selector).PopupWindow([action] [,options]) method supports the following actions:


$(selector).PopupWindow("init" [,options])
Initializes a new PopupWindow. Optionally you can pass a some options to override the default values. The init string can be omitted, this is the default action. If a PopupWindow has already been initialized for the matched element, it does nothing. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Opens a previously initialized and closed PopupWindow. If the PopupWindow was in collapsed or minimized state when it was closed, the normal state will be restored. If the PopupWindow is already opened, nothing will happen. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Closes an open PopupWindow. It’s equivalent to a click on the close button in the titlebar. If the PopupWindow is already in closed state, nothing will happen. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Maximizes an open PopupWindow. It’s equivalent to a click on the maximize button in the titlebar. Note that a closed, collapsed, minimized or already maximized PopupWindow can’t be maximized, thus nothing will happen in these cases. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Unmaximizes a maximized PopupWindow. It’s equivalent to a click on the unmaximize button in the titlebar. If the PopupWindow is not in maximized state, nothing will happen. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Collapses an open PopupWindow. It’s equivalent to a click on the collapse button in the titlebar. Note that a closed, maximized, minimized or already collapsed PopupWindow can’t be collapsed, thus nothing will happen in these cases. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Uncollapses a collapsed PopupWindow. It’s equivalent to a click on the uncollapse button in the titlebar. If the PopupWindow is not in collapsed state, nothing will happen. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Minimizes an open PopupWindow. It’s equivalent to a click on the minimize button in the titlebar. Note that a closed, collapsed or already minimized PopupWindow can’t be minimized, thus nothing will happen in these cases. If the PopupWindow is maximized, it will be restored to its normal state before minimizing. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Unminimizes a minimized PopupWindow. It’s equivalent to a click on the unminimize button in the titlebar. If the PopupWindow is not in minimized state, nothing will happen. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.


Gets the position of PopupWindow for the first element in the set of matched elements. It returns an object with numeric top and left values.

    top     : numeric
    left    : numeric

$(selector).PopupWindow("setposition", position)
Sets the position of PopupWindow for all the elements in the set of matched elements. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector. You can pass any (or all) of the following values using the position parameter:

position : {
    top             : numeric, optional  // Set PopupWindow's top position 
    left            : numeric, optional  // Set PopupWindow's left position
    animationTime   : numeric, optional  // Overrides PopupWindow's animationTime for this call

Gets the size of PopupWindow for the first element in the set of matched elements. It returns an object with numeric width and height values.

    width   : numeric
    height  : numeric

$(selector).PopupWindow("setsize", size)
Sets the size of PopupWindow for all the elements in the set of matched elements. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector. You can pass any (or all) of the following values using the size parameter:

size : {
    width           : numeric, optional  // Set PopupWindow's width
    height          : numeric, optional  // Set PopupWindow's height
    animationTime   : numeric, optional  // Overrides PopupWindow's animationTime for this call

Gets the state of PopupWindow for the first element in the set of matched elements. It returns undefined if PopupWindow has not been initialized on the element, or a string representing its state: normal, closed, collapsed, minimized or maximized.


$(selector).PopupWindow("setstate", state)
Sets the state of PopupWindow for all the elements in the set of matched elements. There’s no difference between using this action or the corresponding specific ones (ie. $(selector).PopupWindow("setstate", "collapsed") is the same as $(selector).PopupWindow("collapse")). It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector. You must pass a string using the state parameter:

state   : string    // "normal", "closed", "maximized", "unmaximized", "collapsed", "uncollapsed", "minimized", "unminimized"

$(selector).PopupWindow("settitle", title)
Sets the title in the titlebar of PopupWindow for all the elements in the set of matched elements. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector. You must pass a string using the title parameter.


$(selector).PopupWindow("statusbar", content)
Sets the content in the status bar of PopupWindow for all the elements in the set of matched elements. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector. You cas pass a string or even a DOM element using the content parameter.


Removes a PopupWindow, restoring the content to its original parent. It is chainable and returns all the elements matched by selector.

Options and defaults values

title           : "Popup Window"    // String
modal           : true              // Boolean
autoOpen        : true              // Boolean
animationTime   : 300               // Integer
customClass     : ""                // String

buttons         : {
    close           : true          // Boolean
    maximize        : true          // Boolean
    collapse        : true          // Boolean
    minimize        : true          // Boolean
buttonsPosition : "right"           // String
buttonsTexts    : {
    close           : "Close"       // String
    maximize        : "Maximize"    // String
    unmaximize      : "Restore"     // String
    minimize        : "Minimize"    // String
    unminimize      : "Show"        // String
    collapse        : "Collapse"    // String
    uncollapse      : "Expand"      // String

draggable       : true              // Boolean
dragOpacity     : 0.6               // Numeric

resizable       : true              // Boolean
resizeOpacity   : 0.6               // Numeric

statusBar       : true              // Boolean

top             : "auto"            // String/Integer
left            : "auto"            // String/Integer

height          : 200               // Integer
width           : 400               // Integer
maxHeight       : undefined         // Integer
maxWidth        : undefined         // Integer
minHeight       : 100               // Integer
minWidth        : 200               // Integer
collapsedWidth  : undefined         // Integer

keepInViewport  : true              // Boolean
mouseMoveEvents : true              // Boolean

Text appearing in the PopupWindow’s titlebar. You can change this at any time using the setTitle action.

Set to true to create a modal PopupWindow. It is possible to create other PopupWindows (modal or not) over a modal one.


Set to true to trigger the open action immediately.


This is the duration of all the animations (collapsing, minimizing, maximizing, etc.) expressed in milliseconds.


You can specify one or more CSS classes separated by a space here. They will be appended to the PopupWindow in order to customize its appearance.


Enable/disable the corresponding button in the titlebar.


Controls the buttons position in the titlebar. I can be either "left" or "right".


Tooltip text of the corrisponding action for the buttons in the titlebar.


Set to true to allow the users to move the PopupWindow around by clicking and dragging the titlebar.


Opacity of the PopupWindow during the dragging.


Set to true to allow the users to resize the PopupWindow by its borders and the handle placed in the right corner of the status bar.


Opacity of the PopupWindow during the resizing.


Set to true to display a status bar at the bottom of the PopupWindow. You can set the text/contents of the status bar using the statusBar action.


Starting top position of the PopupWindow, expressed in pixels. Use the string "auto" to display the PopupWindow centered in the viewport.


Starting left position of the PopupWindow, expressed in pixels. Use the string "auto" to display the PopupWindow centered in the viewport.


Initial height of the PopupWindow, expressed in pixels.


Initial width of the PopupWindow, expressed in pixels.


If set, it forces the maximum height of the PopupWindow to this value. Expressed in pixels.


If set, it forces the maximum width of the PopupWindow to this value. Expressed in pixels.


Forces the minimum height of the PopupWindow to this value. Expressed in pixels.


Forces the minimum width of the PopupWindow to this value. Expressed in pixels.


If set, forces the width of the PopupWindow when it is in collapsed status, expressed in pixels.


Set to true to prevent the PopupWindow to overflow the viewport. Also, if the browser’s window is resized the PopupWindow will be moved accordingly.


Set to true to fire move and rezize events while the mouse pointer is moving (mousemove event), or set to false to fire the events on the mouseup event.


All the events are fired after something has happened and the corresponding animation is completed. The only exceptions are move.popupwindow and resize.popupwindow events, which can be fired continuously depending on the mouseMoveEvents option.
The namespace popupwindow is used for all the events fired by PopupWindow.


$(selector).on("open.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is opened. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("close.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is closed. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("collapse.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is collapsed. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("uncollapse.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is uncollapsed. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("minimize.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is minimized. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("unminimize.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is unminimized. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("maximize.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is maximized. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("unmaximize.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is unmaximized. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("move.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is moved. Additional parameter position is passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("resize.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is resized. Additional parameter size is passed to the handler function.


$(selector).on("destroy.popupwindow", handler)
Fired when a PopupWindow is destroyed. No additional parameters are passed to the handler function.


The default CSS file is simple and well commented. It exposes all the customizable classes and is intended especially for styling (the required CSS for layout and core is provided by the code internally).
You can edit the main CSS file, create a new custom one using it as a template, or override some classes/styles using an external CSS file (in this case remember to load your CSS file after the default one).
In addition to that, you can use the customClass option to apply custom styles even to a single PopupWindow, having many windows styled differently. See Example 3.


Example 1 - Complete playground

This sample code shows all the actions available. Use the buttons below to test them and see the logged events. Note how the implicit actions performed interacting directly with the PopupWindow produce the same effects and events.

// Log all Events
    "open.popupwindow      close.popupwindow      " +
    "collapse.popupwindow  uncollapse.popupwindow " +
    "minimize.popupwindow  unminimize.popupwindow " +
    "maximize.popupwindow  unmaximize.popupwindow " +
    "move.popupwindow      resize.popupwindow     " +
function(event, data){

// Buttons to test Actions
$("#example1_init").on("click", function(event){
    if ($("#example1").PopupWindow("getState")) $("#example1").PopupWindow("destroy");
        title   : "Example 1 - Complete playground",
        modal   : false,
        // .....
        // .....
$("#example1_destroy").on("click", function(event){

$("#example1_open").on("click", function(event){
$("#example1_close").on("click", function(event){

$("#example1_collapse").on("click", function(event){
$("#example1_uncollapse").on("click", function(event){

$("#example1_minimize").on("click", function(event){
$("#example1_unminimize").on("click", function(event){

$("#example1_maximize").on("click", function(event){
$("#example1_unmaximize").on("click", function(event){

$("#example1_getposition").on("click", function(event){
$("#example1_setposition").on("click", function(event){
    $("#example1").PopupWindow("setPosition", {
        top             : 100,
        left            : 100,
        animationTime   : 500

$("#example1_getsize").on("click", function(event){
$("#example1_setsize").on("click", function(event){
    $("#example1").PopupWindow("setSize", {
        width           : 500,
        height          : 300,
        animationTime   : 100

$("#example1_getstate").on("click", function(event){
$("#example1_setstate").on("click", function(event){
    $("#example1").PopupWindow("setState", "normal");

$("#example1_settitle").on("click", function(event){
    $("#example1").PopupWindow("setTitle", "New Title");

$("#example1_statusbar").on("click", function(event){
    $("#example1").PopupWindow("statusbar", "Some text...");

$("#example1_minimizedarea").on("click", function(event){
        position    : "top left",
        direction   : "vertical"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rutrum tortor lacus, non dictum nulla feugiat sed. Nam molestie diam id nisi fringilla placerat. Fusce aliquet, tellus non vehicula scelerisque, sem orci luctus nunc, non gravida ipsum elit id massa. Phasellus eu vulputate nisl. Curabitur et posuere nisl, vel gravida elit. Donec at tristique orci. Phasellus et orci ac turpis pharetra finibus quis eget risus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec volutpat eros sit amet elit commodo, in molestie felis dignissim. Vestibulum lobortis justo magna, ut dictum tortor porta eget. Ut rutrum placerat eros, non ultricies arcu convallis in. Ut imperdiet tortor nec sem suscipit commodo. Phasellus ac leo in risus ullamcorper hendrerit.
buttons :

buttonsPosition :
draggable :
resizable :
statusBar :
top :
left :
height :
width :
maxHeight :
maxWidth :
minHeight :
minWidth :
collapsedWidth :
keepInViewport :
mouseMoveEvents :
top :
left :
animationTime :
width :
height :
animationTime :
state :
title :
text :
position :
direction :
PopupWindow events and data will be logged here:

Example 2 - Modal window

A modal PopupWindow will be displayed over the page, but you can still open more PopupWindows on top of it.

    title       : "Example 2 - Modal window",
    modal       : true,
    statusBar   : false,
    height      : 250,
    width       : 400,
    top         : 100,
    left        : 300
    title       : "Other window",
    modal       : false,
    statusBar   : false,
    top         : 400,
    left        : 100
    title       : "Yet another one",
    modal       : false,
    statusBar   : false,
    top         : 400,
    left        : 600

// Close the other PopupWindows when the modal one is closed
$("#example2_first").on("close.popupwindow", function(event){

I am a modal window.

You can open other PopupWindows on top of this! Use the buttons down here:

I'm a PopupWindow shown on top of a modal one
I'm a PopupWindow shown on top of a modal one

Example 3 - Custom style

If you want to apply a custom style just to a specific PopupWindow without overriding the default style for all the others, the customClass option comes in handy. Here is an example using the buttonsPosition option as well:

    title       : "Example 3 - Default Style",
    modal       : false,
    buttons     : {
        collapse    : false
    left        : 100
    title           : "Example 3 - Custom Style",
    modal           : false,
    customClass     : "custom_style",
    buttons         : {
        collapse        : false
    buttonsPosition : "left",
    left            : 600

And here is some CSS for this .custom_style class:

/* Content's background */
.custom_style .popupwindow_content {
    background-color    : #f0f0f0;

/* Center Titlebar text */
.custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_text {
    padding-left    : 8px;

/* Round buttons */
.custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button {
    width           : 18px;
    height          : 18px;
    margin-left     : 4px;
    border          : none;
    border-radius   : 50%;
    /* Button's icon on hover */
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button svg {
        display : none; 
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button:hover svg {
        display : block; 

/* Close button */
.custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_close {
    background-color    : #d03020;
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_close:hover {
        background-color    : #ca3020;
        stroke              : #803020;
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_close:active {
        background-color    : #c03020;

/* Maximize button */   
.custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_maximize {
    background-color    : #ffbb66;
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_maximize:hover {
        background-color    : #ee9922;
        stroke              : #885511;
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_maximize:active {
        background-color    : #dd8811;

/* Minimize button */
.custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_minimize {
    background-color    : #99b055;
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_minimize:hover {
        background-color    : #77a055;
        stroke              : #223311;
    .custom_style .popupwindow_titlebar_button_minimize:active {
        background-color    : #559044;

I like default style...
Call me PopupWindow S Plus!


13 August 2016 - Version 1.0.3
5 August 2016 - Version 1.0.2
29 July 2016 - Version 1.0.1
27 July 2016 - Version 1.0.0

Comments and Ideas

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