Gaspare Sganga

IT Manager, GIS Analyst & Lead Developer @setin.

Freelance Developer & Consultant.

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CDN hosting of this library is possible thanks to jsDelivr. For more details about URL structure please refer to the official documentation.
On the CDN configuration page you can find all the available files and versions of this library, select a specific version, use range or latest version aliasing, join more files in a single request and enable subresource integrity (SRI).


  • Easy plug-and-play default behaviour yet fully configurable for advanced uses
  • Shows a loading overlay on the whole page or over single DOM elements
  • Can auto resize according to its container (very useful if used over a DOM element being filled meanwhile)
  • Tracks a counter to allow multiple calls on single target
  • Can show an image, some text, a progress bar or even a custom element to provide feedback to the user
  • Compatible with Font Awesome
  • No external CSS, high performances


There are three different methods, one to attach a LoadingOverlay to the body and thus covering the whole page, another to attach it to a single DOM element or a set of DOM elements and the last one to set the default parameters.

$.LoadingOverlay(action [,options])

Shows the LoadingOverlay with a fixed position, covering the whole page. Optionally pass some options to it.
This method doesn’t return anything. See Actions for details.

$(selector).LoadingOverlay(action [,options])

Attach the LoadingOverlay to a single DOM element or a set of DOM elements. Optionally pass some options to it.
This method returns a jQuery object or a set of jQuery objects (depending on the selector used) and is chainable. See Actions for details.


Set default options for all future calls to $.LoadingOverlay() and $(selector).LoadingOverlay().


The $.LoadingOverlay() and $(selector).LoadingOverlay() methods have five variants, corresponding to five Actions:


$[(selector)].LoadingOverlay("show" [,options])
Shows a LoadingOverlay, or increases the counter if it’s been already shown. Optionally you can pass a set of options, but note that they only take effect if the LoadingOverlay has not been shown yet on the element.


$[(selector)].LoadingOverlay("hide" [,force])
Hides the LoadingOverlay or decreases the counter if it’s higher than 1. You can optionally pass a boolean parameter force to hide the LoadingOverlay even if the counter hasn’t reached 0.


Force LoadingOverlay resizing. This is especially useful when you decide to disable the auto resize feature and you want to manually control it when you page changes.


$[(selector)].LoadingOverlay("text", value)
Update the text currently shown with the one passed to the value parameter. Pass boolean value false to hide the text element.
Note that this action only works if LoadingOverlay was initialized with some text.


$[(selector)].LoadingOverlay("progress", value)
Update the progress bar with the value parameter. Pass boolean value false to hide the progress bar.
Note that this action only works if LoadingOverlay was initialized with progress option set to true.

Options and defaults values

// Background
background              : "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)"        // String
backgroundClass         : ""                                // String/Boolean
// Image
image                   : "<svg> ... </svg>"                // String/Boolean
imageAnimation          : "2000ms rotate_right"             // String/Boolean
imageAutoResize         : true                              // Boolean
imageResizeFactor       : 1                                 // Float
imageColor              : "#202020"                         // String/Array/Boolean
imageClass              : ""                                // String/Boolean
imageOrder              : 1                                 // Integer
// Font Awesome
fontawesome             : ""                                // String/Boolean
fontawesomeAnimation    : ""                                // String/Boolean
fontawesomeAutoResize   : true                              // Boolean
fontawesomeResizeFactor : 1                                 // Float
fontawesomeColor        : "#202020"                         // String/Boolean
fontawesomeOrder        : 2                                 // Integer
// Custom
custom                  : ""                                // String/DOM Element/jQuery Object/Boolean
customAnimation         : ""                                // String/Boolean
customAutoResize        : true                              // Boolean
customResizeFactor      : 1                                 // Float
customOrder             : 3                                 // Integer
// Text
text                    : ""                                // String/Boolean
textAnimation           : ""                                // String/Boolean
textAutoResize          : true                              // Boolean
textResizeFactor        : 0.5                               // Float
textColor               : "#202020"                         // String/Boolean
textClass               : ""                                // String/Boolean
textOrder               : 4                                 // Integer
// Progress
progress                : false                             // Boolean
progressAutoResize      : true                              // Boolean
progressResizeFactor    : 0.25                              // Float
progressColor           : "#a0a0a0"                         // String/Boolean
progressClass           : ""                                // String/Boolean
progressOrder           : 5                                 // Integer
progressFixedPosition   : ""                                // String/Boolean
progressSpeed           : 200                               // Integer
progressMin             : 0                                 // Float
progressMax             : 100                               // Float
// Sizing
size                    : 50                                // Float/String/Boolean
minSize                 : 20                                // Integer/String
maxSize                 : 120                               // Integer/String
// Misc
direction               : "column"                          // String
fade                    : [400, 200]                        // Array/Boolean/Integer/String
resizeInterval          : 50                                // Integer
zIndex                  : 2147483647                        // Integer

Overlay’s CSS background-color property. Use rgba() to set the opacity. Keep in mind that if backgroundClass is provided then background option is ignored.


Sets a custom CSS class for the background. Use an empty string "" or false to disable it. Keep in mind that if backgroundClass is provided then background option is ignored.


URL or inline representation of the image to show. It supports both raster images and vectorial SVGs. You can pass an inline SVG, a path to a file or even use a base64-encoded image or SVG (e.g. "data:image/png;base64,..."). Set to an empty string "" or false to show no image.


Controls the animation of the image element. See animations.


Controls the auto resizing of the image element. Set to false to disable it.


Controls the proportion between the image element and the size parameter.


Image fill and stroke colors. This setting has effect only on SVG images and will be useless with raster images (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.). Use a single string value to specify only the fill color, or a two-elements array to set fill and stroke respectively. You can use any CSS valid expression, included rgba(). Use an empty string "", empty array [] or false to leave them unspecified. Note that if imageClass is provided then imageColor is ignored.


Sets a custom CSS class for the image element. Use an empty string "" or false to disable it. Note that if imageClass is provided then imageColor is ignored.


Sets the order of the image element relative to the others.


Class(es) of the Font Awesome icon to use. Note that you must include Font Awesome in your project if you wish to use this feature. Use an empty string "" or false to disable the feature.


You can rely on Font Awesome native classes to animate the icon (e.g. fa-spin or fa-pulse) and pass them directly to fontawesome option, but of course you can also enjoy the full power of LoadingOverlay animations as with any other element type. See animations for details.


Controls the auto resizing of the fontawesome element. Set to false to disable it.


Controls the proportion between the fontawesome element and the size parameter.


Sets the color of the fontawesome element. You can use any CSS valid expression, included rgba(). Use an empty string "" or false to leave it unspecified.


Sets the order of the fontawesome element relative to the others.


A DOM element, jQuery object or plain HTML to append to the LoadingOverlay. Use an empty string "" or false to disable the feature.


Controls the animation of the custom element. See animations.


Controls the auto resizing of the custom element. Set to false to disable it.


Controls the proportion between the custom element and the size parameter.


Sets the order of the custom element relative to the others.


Displays a text element in the LoadingOverlay. Use an empty string "" or false to disable the feature.


Controls the animation of the text element. See animations.


Controls the auto resizing of the text element. Set to false to disable it.


Controls the proportion between the text element and the size parameter.


Sets the color of the text element. You can use any CSS valid expression, included rgba(). Use an empty string "" or false to leave it unspecified. Note that if textClass is provided then textColor is ignored.


Sets a custom CSS class for the text element. Use an empty string "" or false to disable it. Note that if textClass is provided then textColor is ignored.


Sets the order of the text element relative to the others.


Displays a progress bar element in the LoadingOverlay. Use false to disable the feature.


Controls the auto resizing of the progress element. Set to false to disable it.


Controls the proportion between the progress element and the size parameter.


Sets the color of the progress element. You can use any CSS valid expression, included rgba(). Use an empty string "" or false to leave it unspecified. Note that if progressClass is provided then progressColor is ignored.


Sets a custom CSS class for the progress element. Use an empty string "" or false to disable it. Note that if progressClass is provided then progressColor is ignored.


Sets the order of the progress element relative to the others.


Set a fixed position for the progress element. It accepts a space-separated string with position and optional margin.
Position value can be either top or bottom while optional margin can be expressed in any CSS unit.
Note that enabling this option will take the progress element out of the order flow and progressOrder will be ignored.
Example values: "top", "bottom", "top 20px", "10% top", "5rem bottom", "bottom 2vh", etc.


Controls the animation speed in milliseconds of the progress bar when its value is updated. Set to 0 to disable smooth animation.


Sets the minimum value for the progress element.


Sets the maximum value for the progress element.


Size of elements expressed in percentage relative to the LoadingOverlay size. Note that the computed value will be constrained between minSize and maxSize. You can specify a fixed size expressed in any CSS unit passing a string (options minSize and maxSize will be ignored in this case).
Each element will then be resized according to the computed value and its Resize Factor.
Use 0 or false if you wish to fully control the size of the elements via custom classes.


Minimun size of elements in pixels. Set it to 0 or false for no limit.


Maximun size of elements in pixels. Set it to 0 or false for no limit.


Sets the arrangement of the elements in the LoadingOverlay. It can be "column" or "row".


Controls the fade in and fade out durations, expressed in milliseconds. Use 0 or false to disable it (meaning a zero duration), an integer or string to set equal fade in and fade out times or a two-elements array to set respectively fade in and fade out durations (e.g. [600, 300]). Boolean value true will be treated like default value [400, 200].


Specifies an interval in milliseconds to resize and reposition the LoadingOverlay according to its container. This is useful when the container element changes size and/or position while the LoadingOverlay is being shown. Set it to 0 or false to disable this feature.


Use this to explicitly set a z-index for the overlay. This is useful when LoadingOverlay is used with other z-index intensive libraries like Bootstrap.


LoadingOverlay takes advantage of CSS animations and offers 4 different built-in keyframes animations:

  • rotate_right
  • rotate_left
  • fadein
  • pulse

Elements animation properties imageAnimation, fontawesomeAnimation, customAnimation and textAnimation accept a space-separated string with name and duration.
Note that both parameters are optional and they default to "rotate_right 2000ms " when only one is specified:

// These are the same:
"rotate_right 2s"

// And so are these:
"2000ms pulse"

If you prefer to rely on your custom animations altogether you can disable them setting imageAnimation, fontawesomeAnimation, customAnimation and textAnimation to an empty string "" or false, providing animations through custom CSS classes.


Example 1 - Whole page Overlay

// Show full page LoadingOverlay

// Hide it after 3 seconds
}, 3000);

Example 2 - Single element Overlay

// Let's call it 2 times just for fun...
$("#element").LoadingOverlay("show", {
    background  : "rgba(165, 190, 100, 0.5)"

// Here we might call the "hide" action 2 times, or simply set the "force" parameter to true:
$("#element").LoadingOverlay("hide", true);

Example 3 - Showcase of different elements

// Font Awesome
$.LoadingOverlay("show", {
    image       : "",
    fontawesome : "fa fa-cog fa-spin"

// Text
$.LoadingOverlay("show", {
    image       : "",
    text        : "Loading..."
    $.LoadingOverlay("text", "Yep, still loading...");
}, 2500);

// Progress
$.LoadingOverlay("show", {
    image       : "",
    progress    : true
var count     = 0;
var interval  = setInterval(function(){
    if (count >= 100) {
    count += 10;
    $.LoadingOverlay("progress", count);
}, 300);

// Custom
var customElement = $("<div>", {
    "css"   : {
        "border"        : "4px dashed gold",
        "font-size"     : "40px",
        "text-align"    : "center",
        "padding"       : "10px"
    "class" : "your-custom-class",
    "text"  : "Custom!"
$.LoadingOverlay("show", {
    image       : "",
    custom      : customElement

Example 4 - Complete playground

: ms

Example 5 - Set Defaults

    background      : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
    image           : "img/custom.svg",
    imageAnimation  : "1.5s fadein",
    imageColor      : "#ffcc00"


Example 6 - Display a LoadingOverlay during each Ajax request

You can rely on .ajaxStart() and .ajaxStop() to show and hide the LoadingOverlay during every Ajax request:

// Now try to make a few Ajax calls, a LoadingOverlay will be shown until the last call is completed!

Or, in case you need some more sophisticated control/filter, you can use .ajaxSend() and .ajaxComplete() in the same way. LoadingOverlay will take care of multiple calls thanks to its internal counter feature.

$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, jqxhr, settings){
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, jqxhr, settings){
// Now try to make a few Ajax calls, a LoadingOverlay will be shown until the last call is completed!


20 March 2020 - Version 2.1.7
24 September 2018 - Version 2.1.6
3 July 2018 - Version 2.1.5
7 June 2018 - Version 2.1.4
4 May 2018 - Version 2.1.3
26 April 2018 - Version 2.1.2
22 April 2018 - Version 2.1.1
4 April 2018 - Version 2.1.0
20 March 2018 - Version 2.0.2
16 March 2018 - Version 2.0.1
16 March 2018 - Version 2.0.0
10 February 2018 - Version 1.6.0
29 September 2017 - Version 1.5.4
27 January 2017 - Version 1.5.3
9 December 2016 - Version 1.5.2
11 November 2016 - Version 1.5.1
11 November 2016 - Version 1.5.0
5 August 2016 - Version 1.4.1
29 June 2016 - Version 1.4.0
25 May 2016 - Version 1.3
22 April 2016 - Version 1.2
31 December 2015 - Version 1.1
15 February 2015 - Version 1.0

Comments and Ideas

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